Musings from the CU Suite

Oct 24, 2017


Written by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU

You have a list of things that are important to you.

Usually, those center around your family, finances, health, career, community, and faith. 

That "power six" grouping usually covers what is most near and dear to our heart. 

To improve in these areas, it will take some work. You'll need to read. You'll to reflect. You'll need to plan. You'll need to act. 

Now, do an audit. Look at your life's inputs. Look at what you consume. Look at where you spend your time.

Television shows. Radio. People. Ideas. Social media. Time. Books. Magazines. Conversations. Exercise. Food.

Some of those inputs empower and improve the "power six" noted above. 

Some of your inputs will not. They take up time, attention and effort, but don't move the ball down the field. 

They are noise. And nothing else.

Image result for noise

This week, I'll try to limit the noise and focus on what matters. I find that when I do, my world gets better faster.

Feel free to join me.


Speaking of joining me, I hope your credit union's officials will take a look at our Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee Conference in 2018. In lovely Newport, Rhode Island, this conference will give officials information, strategies, and perspective important to their role. We hope to see you there!


Big news today. Credit unions just gained access to one of the world's largest blockchain groups via NAFCU. Read all about it.  And read all about it here as well.