Musings from the CU Suite

Aug 15, 2017

My Offer To You, Take 2

Written by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU

A few weeks ago, I offered to make a presentation to your credit union about change. 

It turns out, I made a rookie mistake. I forgot to show you the presentation.

Problem solved. Click on the image below to download the presentation. 

Risk Of Irrelevance_Page_01

Again, it takes 45 minutes to an hour to deliver the presentation. Because I can deliver it via Webex, I have a great deal of flexibility to schedule it when it makes sense for you. During an upcoming all-staff meeting. Or a management team meeting. Just let me know.

But back to my rookie mistake.

If I had put myself in the shoes of you the reader, I would have anticipated the first question that many sent me via email. 

Anthony, can I review the presentation? I don't forward things to my colleagues unless I review them first. 

Lesson learned. 



I love our Management and Leadership Institute. It is powerful. Last year, an attendee told me that he wished he had attended this conference 20 years ago. He had a list of things to work on, and he was excited to get back to his credit union and get to work. We like it so much, we are sending two NAFCU employees there this year. It will be held in San Diego from October 2-6. The early bird rate expires this Friday. I hope to see you there!  


MLI17 San Diego