Musings from the CU Suite

Oct 08, 2015

MLI's Leader of the Future: How do you compare?

Written by Anthony Demangone

Next week, I shuffle off to Chicago to present at NAFCU's Management and Leadership Institute.

I love the conference, because it makes you think. In fact, the first day is devoted to leadership - forcing all attendees to design the leader they'd like to become. 

A few years ago, here's what a class of 85 attendees designed. How do you measure up?

  • Communication. A great leader would demand robust, open communication that goes both ways.
  • Shared vision and purpose. This leader would ensure that everyone within the credit union has a shared vision and purpose.
  • Clear expectations and goals.  Everyone would have clear expectations about what the credit union was doing, as well as themselves individually.
  • Integrity, honesty, authenticity, consistency. The  leader would be chock full of all of these qualities. 
  • Passion. The leader would  inspire others
  • The leader would be devoted to getting the right people into the right positions. The leader would understate team member strengths and weaknesses. 
  • Courage. 
  • Trust.
  • Accountability. This leader would hold others and himself/herself accountable. 
  • Teamwork and collaboration. The leader would foster both.
  • Recognition. This leader would dispense the right amount in the right way.

Kudos to John Spence for helping us with MLI and for leading these discussions. 

So here's today's homework. There are 11 categories up there. Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 in each category. See where you are strong, and where you can improve. 

And then make a battle plan. 


It is that time of year...when every organization puts together a budget and reviews its outside partners. Here's an open offer - if you are interested in seeing what NAFCU can do for you, or you'd like a refresher as a NAFCU member - let me know. We'll set up a short briefing to get you up to speed on all we're doing for our members.  Our goal? We want you to get your money's worth from us.  Again, reply to this email if you are interested.


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