Musings from the CU Suite

Jul 22, 2015


Written by Anthony Demangone

Every once in a while, you see something that highlights that things have changed. A marker.

Like the time I first had a sunburn on top of my head. Ouch.

Like the first time a twenty-something-year-old called me sir. Ouch.

Yep, time waits for no man or woman. And things change. These markers, though, show how much.

Like this...

Facebook is now worth more than General Electric.

Edison and change.
Mr. Edison can hardly believe it!

If anyone needs to understand how the new economy has shifted, that might be exhibit A.

Change happens. But sometimes we can fool ourselves into thinking that change that has slowed down. Markers do a nice job of showing us that change is a constant. 


Speaking of change, it has been just a few weeks since NAFCU announced that it opened its field of membership to state-chartered credit unions. 

Since that time, seven state-chartered credit unions have accepted our invitation to join. They've joined the party, as some would say. And that doesn't count the federal-chartered credit unions that have joined since our announcement as well. Scores more state-chartered shops have requested applications and more information. We continue to grow, and it has been wonderful making new friends across the country.

But here's the thing. We don't want anyone to join unless they understand the value that we'll provide. NAFCU has to be the right fit for a credit union, and we want our members to understand what we can do for them so they can get their money's worth.

Some of you may not have worked with NAFCU in the past and you may have questions. You should. I'm a fan of due diligence! With that in mind, I suggest the following.

Bottom line: you have a choice. We just want it to be an informed choice. 

Have a great Wednesday!