Musings from the CU Suite

Feb 26, 2015

Management Guidance from...NCUA

Written by Anthony Demangone

So often, we look to leadership "gurus" to ensure we are on the right path. Perhaps it is the newest book or an article from the Harvard Business Review.

But if you lead a credit union, it is worth giving some thought as to what NCUA expects from you. 

I'll take some time today to give you a fly-over of where NCUA and management intersect in three areas. 

The NCUA Examiner's Guide. 
This is a 32-chapter manual that helps NCUA examiners do their job. As such, it can help you do yours. For example, there are chapters on: management, internal controls, the supervisory committee, and more. It may be worth having someone on your team scan a chapter to make sure you're hitting all the marks. Now, this hasn't been updated by NCUA in a while, but it is still a good place to start.

The NCUA Supervisory Committee Guide
If your credit union has a supervisory committee (it does), make sure the committee has this document and has gone through it. It is large. Detailed. And answers just about every question you could have. NCUA hasn't updated this in a while, but it is still the best guidance of its type.

Letters to Credit Unions
NCUA packs a lot of guidance into these docs. Make sure someone is receiving them at your credit union and that you are briefed each time one comes out.  There are also letters to Federal Credit Unions. These only apply to Federal Credit Unions. I'm not sure I had to explain that, but the attorney in me wanted to be clear.

I'm not sure any of these documents will churn out motivational quotes, but having a clean exam should be motivation in and of itself. 

See, it just doesn't work.