Musings from the CU Suite

Feb 13, 2015

A little weekend reading...and meet Greta

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

We made through another week. But don't let your guard is Friday the 13th until midnight, the last I checked. 

On to the reading pile...

  • The world of payments is moving fast. Google is reportedly testing a payment system where yo you pay by saying your initials. (Business Insider)
  • Speaking while female. (NYT)
  • Che bello! (National Geographic)
  • The truth about sunk costs. (Godin)
  • AMEX is losing its millionaires. (Bloomberg)
  • Americans are still stressed about money. (Associations Now)
  • Study finds that Dodd Frank is killing community financial institutions. (WaPost)
  • Broke young people are convinced they'll be millionaires one day. (Fusion)
  • The misery index falls to an eight year low. (Calculated Risk)
  • 18 astonishing facts FIs should know about millennials. (FB)
  • The things that get in the way of doing. (Zen Habits)
  • A dozen things I've learned from Tren Griffin. (Common Sense)
  • U.S. tax receipts are on the rise. (Marketwatch)
  • There's very little evidence that disclosures work. (NYT)
  • Hidden advantages of savings accounts. (GetRichSlowly)
  • Jobless claims go up to $304k! But look at the chart below. See a trend? Another example of the risk of just reading headlines. (Calculated Risk)

Oh, and one last thing. I'd like to introduce our newest family member...Greta Demangone. Kate and Briggs promised me that they'll walk and feed her every day. What could go wrong there?

