Musings from the CU Suite

Jun 05, 2015

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

In June, by Nora Perry

So sweet, so sweet the roses in their blowing,
So sweet the daffodils, so fair to see;
So blithe and gay the humming-bird a-going
From flower to flower, a-hunting with the bee.

So sweet, so sweet the calling of the thrushes,
The calling, cooing, wooing, everywhere;
So sweet the water's song through reeds and rushes,
The plover's piping note, now here, now there...

Happy June, everyone. I hope your grill is hot, your lemonade's not, and family is by your side.

Now, on to the reading pile....

  • Bank of America gets slammed for SCRA problems, to the tune of $30 million! (Reuters)
  • Shift to EMV may triggers rush to online fraud. (WSJ)
  • Why are NY's bagels so good? Must be the water, right? Nope. (Mother Jones)
  • Another data point. Hotels had their best April...ever. (Calculated Risk)
  • Typos in business emails make you seem angry to the receiver. (Business Insider)
  • Former Speaker Hastert's indictment is a classic example of how the Bank Secrecy Act system works. (Washington Post)
  • Former HS athletes make more money. (The Atlantic) Kate and Briggs, turn off that TV and pick up your sports equipment!
  • The most predictable disaster in the history of the world. (Vox)
  • A heart-warming display of sportsmanship. (BigGeekDaddy)
  • JPMorgan gives up on voicemail. (WSJ) Also to shed 5,000 jobs. (WSJ)
  • Apple to tweak its music service. (Entrepreneur)
  • Construction spending up in April. (Calculated Risk)
