Musings from the CU Suite

Jun 12, 2015

A little weekend reading...

Compile by Anthony Demangone

Whoa! How did this happen? Today is the last day of kindergarten for K and B!


Now, while I catch my breath and dry my eyes, grab a cup of joe, and enjoy this week's reading pile.

  • The economy is still on the mend. Retail sales are up. (Calculated Risk) Household net worth is at an all-time high. (Calculated Risk) And job openings are at their highest point since...well, ever. (Calculated Risk)
  • The CFPB will oversee large non-bank auto financiers. (NAFCU Today)
  • Jamie Dimon isn't sure whether Senator Warren really understands global banking. (Bloomberg)
  • Hmmm. Aren't people trying to eat healthier? Doughnut sales are booming. (Washington Post)
  • Iceland put bad bankers in jail, and it seemed to work. (Vox)
  • 50 facts about millennials and money. (Financial Brand)
  • Holding the umbrella. (Godin)
  • This will change the way you think about riding a bicycle. (PureView)
  • NY Attorney General eyeing tellers and security. (WSJ)
  • HSBC to shed 50,000 jobs. (NYT)

