Musings from the CU Suite

Jul 24, 2015

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

My wife is heading out of town for some well-deserved R and R this weekend. So it is just me, Greta, and the dynamic duo. How much trouble can we get in without the calming control of our home's CEO? Only time will tell. 

So this morning on the way to camp, I told the Dynamic Duo that we had to make sure the house didn't look like a train wreck when Mommy gets home on Sunday.

Briggs: What's does "train wreck" mean?
Anthony: How do you think the house will look without Mommy around for a weekend?
Briggs: Oh. Train wrecks must be dirty.

And with that, here are this week's reads. 

  • Don't do this. The complete list of toxic behaviors that poison teams. (The Leadership Freak)
  • I'm not sure about this. Accenture will kill annual performance reviews and rankings. (WaPost)
  • OK, this sort of scares me. Hackers remotely kill a Jeep on the highway. (Wired)
  • I never thought of it this way. Don't dismiss people that pine about the good old days. The insight could be very powerful. (AEM)
  • Problems for the coal industry. (Business Insider)
  • True. You probably can't run your company like Google. (TheAmericanCEO)
  • This bothers me - it smacks of regulating via enforcement action. Citibank must pay $700m in UDAAP relief. (NAFCU Today)
  • We're driving more. (Calculated Risk)
  • Half of the US population lives in 244 densely-populated counties. (Business Insider)
  • There's a lot of research about happiness that we tend to ignore. (HBR)
  • Our calendars call us on the lies we all tell. (Acuff)
  • In its heyday, it ran 16,000 grocery stores. It was the largest retailer. It is 156 years old. This week, we learned that A&P is filing for bankruptcy. (WaPost)
  • The saga of the $153k rattlesnake bite. (WaPost)

