Musings from the CU Suite

Apr 14, 2017

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU

Please enjoy your Easter weekend, as well as the best of this week's reading pile.

  • The story of REI founder Mary Anderson. (Entrepreneur)
  • Indexes beat stock pickers...even over 15 year-year-periods. (WSJ)
  • Pepsi, United and the Speed of corporate shame. (HBR)
  • Three powerful words from Jeff Bezos. (Inc.)
  • Today is the last day to catch the early-bird rate for NAFCU's annual conference. (NAFCU)
  • Even the people who design AI aren't sure how their algorithms really work. Ugh. (MIT Technology Review)
  • Here's the Wells Fargo independent directors report on the account scandal. (WF)
  • Like riding a bike. (Godin)
  • The great retail apocalypse of 2017. (The Atlantic)
  • Speaking of retail...malls, not doing so well. (WaPost)
  • These high school journalists took down their new principal. (WaPost)

Enjoy your Easter, everyone. 

Image result for easter reading a book