Musings from the CU Suite

Sep 18, 2015

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

It has been a good week.

Hundreds of credit union advocates descended upon Washington, D.C. for our Congressional Caucus. 

I had the good fortune to dine with some folks from Michigan. It was the first Caucus for the woman seated to my right. 

She was excited. The intimacy of the conference and the direct interactions with lawmakers on the Hill had been thrilling.

She noted that she almost felt like a lobbyist. I had to correct her.

She was a lobbyist. She was now a vital part of our government - a concerned citizen representing her interests on Capitol Hill. The heck with fictions like House of Cards and The West Wing. She was living it, and doing a great job for us all. 

Like I said, it was a good week. I hope you can join us next year.

Now, on to this week's reading pile!

  • Well, well, well. The Fed leaves rates unchanged. Amazingly, I looked out my window and the world is still spinning. (WSJ)
  • Congratulations! Chris Anuswith wins NAFCU's 2015 Paul Revere Award. We should all thank him for all he's done to fight for our issues. (NAFCU Today)
  • Can we do it? Should we do it? (
  • Serving size. (Godin)
  • Imports coming in through the LA Port hit an all-time high in August. (Calculated Risk)
  • 4.4 million homes are still under water. (Calculated Risk) Here's where the negative equity is...
Click to enlarge.   
  • Goldman Sachs does this periodically, and I dig it. Their entire economic outlook in one slide. (Business Insider)
  • National Geographic put a GPS tracker insider a fake ivory tusk. Here is where it went. (Business Insider)
  • You didn't choose to be late? Sure you did. (Entrepreneur)

Have a great weekend, everyone. Even you Rutgers fans!

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