Musings from the CU Suite

Apr 21, 2017

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU

If you are out and about in Central Pennsylvania this weekend, keep an eye out for me. I'm rollin' north with the Gang'O'Gones to catch Penn State's "Blue-White" game - the intra-squad scrimmage that caps off Spring football. 

It is another example of a process that repeats itself. Last year was last year. Let's get ready for what comes next. Let's try to get better. 

Enjoy this week's reading pile. As always, if you ever need anything from us at NAFCU, never hesitate to reach out. 

  • NCUA: No further TCCUSF assessments expected. (NAFCU Today) (Sign up for NAFCU Today here.)
  • Read NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger's thoughts on the United Airline situation. It could be a good discussion item at your next management team meeting. (Berger Leadership Blog)
  • A day in the lift of a NYC food vendor. (NYT)
  • Nobody lives here. (The Big Picture)
  • Mortgage delinquencies drop to an 11-year low. (Calculated Risk)
  • Who are we seeking to become? (Godin)
  • Field notes from Singapore. (Spence)
  • BOA opens teller-less "robo-branches." (FB)
  • Condos may be appreciating faster than single-family homes. (WaPost)

Have a great weekend, everyone! Next week, I'll be in Miami for NAFCU's CEOs and Senior Executives Conference. I'll try to write about what I learn. Next year, we'll be in Napa, California. Hope to see you there!

This weekend, though? You'll see me here...

Image result for penn state football