Musings from the CU Suite

Oct 09, 2015

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

I'm a black coffee person. No cream. No milk. No sugar. No sweetener.

People look at me funny sometimes. But I like what I like. 

So, grab a cup of whatever you like, and enjoy this week's reading pile.

  • Some unbelievable photos in here. (The Atlantic)
  • Labor gains not translating into single-family housing recovery. (Calculated Risk)
  • So...just why do we sleep? (The Big Picture)
  • Going to the edges. (Godin)
  • Does your credit union have a blog? Please have your "blog" person read this. (
  • Does offering more doom your business? (Adage)
  • Baby boomers have no idea what they are doing with retirement planning. (MarketWatch)
  • Thoughts on Sweden's 6-hour work day. (
  • Cord-nevers. An interesting read about consumers of TV.  Is there a credit union version of this? (WSJ)
  • I'm fascinated by the Nobel Prize. So I enjoyed this article that shares 12 interesting facts about the famous prize. (ScientificAmerican)
  • So, what did folks back in 1900 think the year 2000 would look like? (WashingtonPost)
  • Sort of sad series of tweets from the man who created and sold Minecraft for $2.5 billion. (Some salty language in there, but seems to be from the heart from a person who achieved what he thought he wanted, and then was surprised.) (Business Insider)
  • More Americans have less than $1,000 in savings. (MarketWatch)
  • Sneaker Wars: Inside the battle between Nike and Adidas. (GQ)
  • MasterCard: Pay by selfie. Ready in 2016?! (FC)

18 Fall Book Preview


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