Musings from the CU Suite

Nov 20, 2015

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

Happy Friday, everyone. Please enjoy this week's reading pile. And this is an order: Enjoy the weekend.

  • We're driving more. (Calculated Risk)
  • Number one in our hearts. Number 14 in financial literacy. (WSJ)
  • Your big break. (Godin)
  • The kids are all right. Classmates give bullied kid a new pair of shoes. His reaction warmed my heart. (Sportsgrid)
  • Conducting a social media audit. (HBR)
  • Uh-oh. What 200 calories of every Thanksgiving food looks like. My plate doesn't look like that. (BI)
  • Seven surprising questions to measure your leadership. (Leadership Freak)
  • One big difference between boomers and millennials. (BI)
  • Booking travel to Syracuse now. This restaurant does a turkey dinner on a "stuffing" waffle." Who knew such wonders existed? (FoodNetwork)
  • How does Bill Gates handle his email? (BI)
  • The cult of productivity may be making you less productive. (Quartz)
  • Realtors expect a slower housing market in 2016. (WSJ)
  • We're living longer. Good for us! Bad for social security. (NYT)
  • Eating the whole quiche. A story about leadership. (Leadwithastory)
  • Five reasons millennials are not answering your phone call. (Inc.)
  • Someone asked T.Boone Pickens for financial advice. And the answer was simple, and very powerful. (BI)
  • Survey: More than 60% of bank leaders believe their firms have to have $1 billion in assets or more to be competitive. (WSJ).