Musings from the CU Suite

Dec 18, 2015

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

Interest rates are going up. Oil prices continue to plummet. My to-do list continues to grow. And the Jolly Fat Man inches closer with every passing minute. 

That being said, take a break from it all. Grab a cup of joe. And enjoy the best of this week's reading pile.

You deserve it.

  • The CFPB's Ombudsman has a few bones to pick with the CFPB. (NAFCU Today)
  • The reasons organizations do not change. (Leadership Freak)
  • Could the long decline in young-adult home ownership be nearing an end? (Fannie Mae)
  • Victim of success: The Rise and Fall of Blackberry. (Wharton)
  • Our iPhones are giving us bad posture and making us depressed. There is a simple solution...(Business Insider)
  • A survey reveals the five most hated workplace holiday practices. (BenefitsPro)
  • 2015 was a breakthrough year in artificial intelligence. (Bloomberg)
  • A different way to make a resolution: Come up with a 1-word theme for 2016. (GretchinRubin)
  • A housing forecast from Merrill Lynch. (Calculated Risk).
  • Hotels are having a record year. (Calculated Risk)
  • How important is the back of the card to your bottom line? (NAFCU and NAFCU Services)
  • Balancing execution and empathy. (SmartBlog)
  • Credit unions are trying to catch the attention of Gen Y. Just how did Pabst Blue Ribbon do it? (MarketWatch)

Have a great weekend, folks. There's still plenty of time to make amends and get on the "nice" side of the ledger. 



That's me, Dan Berger and Randy Salser gearing up for NAFCU's first-ever ugly sweater contest. Of course, I didn't win - because there's no such thing as an ugly sweater vest. Carrie Hunt is not pictured here, because her sweater was far too stylish.