Musings from the CU Suite

Jan 15, 2016

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

Alas, my Powerball ticket and I failed to see things eye-to-eye this week. The good news is that without all that unnecessary wealth, you and I will remain the well-grounded, humble, unpretentious, hardworking and unassuming folks that people have grown to love. 

And my plans for WIFI-enabled sweater vests will go back on the shelf for a while.

So, on to this week's reading pile!


  • A very interesting read on cars and the future. Driver-less cars seem to be coming. What does that mean for the economy? And for car loans? (Stratechery)
  • I'm not sure why stories like this one don't make more noise. Scientists are moving closer to turning water into hydrogen fuel. if it ever becomes economically feasible, the ramifications would be immense. (CSM)
  • I don't get Snapchat. But 100 million folks do! This is a good primer for the up-and-coming social network. (WSJ)
  • The top 25 Apps of 2015. (Ritholtz)
  • Do you want to be successful? Why? Dan Rockwell argues that Success is never about being successful. (LeadershipFreak)
  • A nice overview of "mobile" vs. "branches." Looks like mobile nudged ahead of branches in 2015. (NAFCU Today)
  • The Fed issues something called the Beige Book. It is wonderful portal into the economy. And the latest Beige Book shows a "Jekyll and Hyde" economy. (MarketWatch)
  • Can leaders care too much? This article highlights a few problems tied to caring a ton. (SmartBlogs)
  • How much should you have tucked away for retirement? Here's a new "rule of thumb." (WashingtonPost)
  • I love this article. "We are all in sales." (WebInkNow)
  • Resilience. (Godin)
  • How low can oil go? Morgan Stanley thinks $20 is possible. (Bloomberg)
  • This should terrify you. Cybercriminal call centers. (Krebs)
  • The CFPB doubled its enforcement actions in 2015. (WSJ)
  • Cyber talent is getting expensive. (Forbes)

 Have a great weekend, everyone!
