Musings from the CU Suite

Feb 26, 2016

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

I hopped in an Uber this week, shut the door and buckled up. 

The driver asked where I was headed. 

Off to see some credit union friends, I said.

I love my credit union, he answered. 

Talk about a shot in the arm!

Alright, here's our weekend challenge. At least once, all of us should ask our barber, tax guy or gal, dog groomer, paper boy or girl, or whomever else we choose - ask them if they belong to a credit union.

If they say no, start preaching. 

And with that, on to this week's reading pile. 

  • Study shows a majority of U.S. companies are unprepared for cyber attacks. (WSJ)
  • Sales, then and now. (WebInkNow)
  • Photos of the week, courtesy of the Sony World Photography Awards competition. (Business Insider)
  • The power of compassion, 30 years after a disaster. (NPR)
  • There's reason to be excited about the U.S. Housing Market. (Bloomberg)
  • Just what is leadership, anyway? (New Yorker)
  • Benjamin Franklin was pretty darn creative. (Big Geek Daddy)
  • Ways to find the next "best" play. (Leadership Freak)
  • Worth thinking about. (Godin)
  • MasterCard about to launch an app that replaces passwords with selfies. (Business Insider)
  • JP Morgan is spending millions on millennials. (Business Insider)
  • My new friend Patty Sarne came up with this credit union ad, and I think it's great. (CU Answers)
  • Signature bank sued over connection to Ponzi scheme. (NYT)
  • CFPB nails CitiBank for UDAAP violations. (NAFCU Today)
  • Whiners vs. Winners. An interesting blog battle. (Inc.)
  • Virginia McLaurin meets the President and dances. I dare you not to smile. (Business Insider) 

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