Musings from the CU Suite

May 12, 2017

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

What you see on CNN does not always reflect what happens in Washington D.C. While Russia and the FBI dominate discussions among the "talking heads," there was a good deal of work being done on financial services.

The House Financial Services Committee recently marked-up the Financial CHOICE Act, and NAFCU's team of lobbyists was there. The "mark-up" process is when a committee debates, amends and re-writes proposed legislation. In the olden days, they would literally mark-up language with pen and pencil, hence the name. 

The CHOICE Act mark-up lasted three days. We're talking 10 a.m. until midnight. And your team of NAFCU lobbyists was on the Hill the entire time. Stuff can move and change. People need to be there to keep tabs. 

House of Cards? Late nights are often in the cards for NAFCU's lobbyists. Here is the scene during the CHOICE Act mark-up.

Here's a great overview of the process, including a video from one of your lobbyists, Brad Thaler. 

Why did I share this? Advocacy matters. You pay our salaries. I want you to get a taste of what you pay for. We work for you. And our lobbyists are a fantastic bunch. Never hesitate to let us know how we can help.

Now, on to this week's reading pile...

  • The $9 trillion question. What happens when Central Banks stop buying bonds? (WSJ)
  • The world's most valuable commodity is no longer oil. It is data. (The Economist)
  • Beauty abounds. The 2017 National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year Contest. (The Atlantic)
  • How to predict if a borrower will pay you back. (NY Mag)
  • 50 ways to grow your credit union. (NAFCU Journal)
  • Your compliance officer needs this. Seriously. The 2017 NAFCU Compliance GPS is available for sale. (NAFCU)
  • Small businesses are getting in on robotics. (Bloomberg)
  • In Kenya, phones replace bank tellers. (NYT)
  • Never give up on people. (Reformed Broker)
  • Flat curve could yield sharp results. (Bank Lawyer's Blog)
  • 6 levels of influence and how to use them. (MarketMatch)
  • 20% fewer branches within 10 years. (FB)

Have a fantastic weekend.

And here's a challenge for everyone. As you run errands, "spread the CU gospel" to at least one person you meet along the way. An Uber driver. A cashier. A small business owner. Spread the love about what we do for America. 

Thanks for what you do. It matters.

- Anthony