Musings from the CU Suite

Apr 15, 2016

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

It was a fantastic week in San Francisco for NAFCU's CEO's and Senior Executive's Conference.  The content and networking was grand, as was the city.  Hopefully, you can join us next year in South Beach, Miami.

Now, on to this week's reading pile!

  • FastCompany has compiled 25 web-based services that are useful. And free. (FastCo)
  • Google and Walmart are purchasing a lot more wind power. It seems that wind power has gone from being "trendy" to simply useful. (WashPost)
  • This Motley Fool article will remind you why it is so hard to predict outcomes based on recent performance. (Motley Fool)
  • Here's a very handy card data breach loss prevention checklist. H/T to Allied Solutions. (NAFCU Services Blog)
  • Overwork is often a matter of "who" rather than what. (Leadership Freak)
  • Connected cars are great! But what about their "hackability?" (Business Insider)
  • Photo of the week: Mountain Sanctuary. (National Geographic)
  • Going the distance. (Godin)
  • Concentration risk. NJ has to rethink its budget because one man moved. It makes you wonder how many businesses have a similar issue? (Business Insider)
  • Does your marketing team understand the difference between Pathos, Ethos, and Logos?  They should. This article by Carmine Gallo (he spoke at our CEOs conference this week) sums it up nicely.  And his point - we don't use Pathos nearly enough. (Forbes)

Have a great weekend, everyone!


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