Musings from the CU Suite

Jun 10, 2016

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

I have my boots shined, my bags packed and my out-of-the-office message ready to go. NAFCU is headed to Nashville, Tennessee for its 49th Annual Conference. 

I'm going to buy my first cowboy hat while I'm there. If anyone has any advice, I'll take it. If you're headed to the Music City, please let me know so I can keep an eye out for you.

Now, on to the reading pile.

  • According to the WSJ, the top 5 banks are losing market share. (WSJ)
  • The healing continues.  A quarter-million Americans regained equity in their homes in Q1 2016. (Calculated Risk)
  • Even the disruptors face disruption. A new company is taking on Uber. (BI)
  • Words matter. Project vs. job. (Godin)
  • A key to success from Warren Buffett. (Inc.)
  • Ugh. US card issuers lose $10.9B annually to fraud. (Paymentsource)
  • There's a town in Spain that runs on Twitter. (NYT)
  • Wind energy is growing up. (Slate)
  • You know nothing about the economy. (WSJ)
  • Why housing is going to eat the U.S. economy. (CSEN)
  • Is Wall Street getting soft? UBS tells its bankers they get two whole hours of personal time a week to help balance their life. (Reuters)
  • First-time foreclosure starts lowest on record. (Calculated Risk)
  • Bretagne, the last-known search dog that responded to 9/11, died this week. (NYT)

Have a good weekend, everyone.