Musings from the CU Suite

Jun 24, 2016

A little weekend reading...

Happy Friday!

Are you gearing up for a great weekend? I am. Golf. Two neighborhood parties. The grilling of meat and the chilling of beverages. And the laughter of friends. 

I don't say this enough - thanks for subscribing to this NAFCU newsletter. It means a lot.

Now on to this week's reading pile. 

  • Britain votes to exit the E.U. I would't check my 401(k) today if I were you...(WashPost)
  • So, which age group has the most credit cards? (Business Insider)
  • U.S. credit scores are improving. The percentage of Americans with sub-prime credit scores has fallen to its lowest level in a decade. (WSJ)
  • Architects bill a lot more in May. (Calculated Risk)
  • Bigger? (Godin)
  • Think self-driving cars are a pipe dream? Ford, Volvo, Google, Uber and Lyft just formed an industry group in D.C. to lobby on behalf of driver-less cars. (Detroit News)
  • A nice discussion of growth and overload. (HBR)
  • Home ownership seems to be dropping across the board. (Ritholtz)
  • No one knows what will happen. (A Wealth of Common Sense)
  • Please stop saying you're too busy. (Acuff)
  • Sears' obsession with Wall Street is killing the company. (Business Insider)
  • A great TED talk on happiness. (TED)
  • Human nature. People cheat. But with their Fitbit? Yep. (WSJ)
  • This is amazing. A man lives for more than a year without a heart in his body. (Cnet)

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone. 

    - Anthony

Photo published for A little weekend reading...