Musings from the CU Suite

Sep 30, 2016

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

I had a fantastic time in Denver yesterday speaking to a group of firefighter credit unions. Also, NAFCU just picked up four new members. 

Not a bad week!

Now, on to this week's reading pile.

  • 2Q GDP has been revise...up. (Calculated Risk)
  • We've all heard the term "barrel of oil."  But just what can you make with one? (Ritholtz)
  • The hits keep coming. Wells Fargo nailed for SCRA violations. (The Atlantic)
  • Blackberry will stop making smartphones. (Inc.)
  • Driver-less cars are in our future? Not all consumers are sure about that. (WashPost)
  • Whoa!How much can 10 companies control what we eat? (BI)
  • Trucking miles shoot up in August. (Calculated Risk)
  • Amazon is getting into the delivery business. (Inc.)
  • Anxiety loves company. (Godin)
  • Sometimes, you need to focus on the un-wow first! (ShepHyken)
  • Travel tip. (Although I'm sure I may have been the last one to know this.) If you have Amazon Prime, you have access to a library of free movies, television shows and documentaries. And Amazon Prime allows you to download those movies to watch them even if you don't have access to the internet. Here are two documentaries I watched on the way back from Denver.
    • Mine Wars. An amazing story of events in southern West Virginia mine country. How did I not know about this?
    • Murder of a President. I'll admit that I basically just knew President James Garfield as the answer to a trivia question. This documentary paints a picture of a fantastic leader. 

Finally, as I walked through the Denver airport yesterday, I was pleased as punch to see this: A credit union ATM!



And on that note, have a wonderful weekend, everyone!