Musings from the CU Suite

Oct 21, 2016

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

Another week has come and gone. If your week was half as good as mine, you had a heck of a time! Now, on to this week's reading pile.

  • Morgan Stanley thinks the aging world population could wreak havoc with the economy. (BI)
  • Revenge of the old card usage takes an even larger swath of the payments pie. (WSJ)
  • Watch this Tesla drive itself through traffic. Bonus if you like the Stones. (Tesla)
  • Demographics and housing. (The Big Picture)
  • Kodak is launching a smartphone. No joke. (BI)
  • Financial literacy training takes off in Washington state. (BI) I always wondered why need these classes aren't called - How to become a millionaire. I bet I would have signed up for that in HS!
  • The power of gratitude. (Inc.)
  • A major football coach never hesitates to kiss his players on the cheek. “How do you motivate a human being to do things against his own nature?” Herman said in an interview. “There’s two things: love and fear. And to me, love wins every time.”" (NYT)
  • Cut through the clutter. (Godin)
  • A recession is coming! Technically, one is always coming. (The Big Picture)
  • DARPA gives a paralyzed man back his sense of touch. Wow! (BI)
  • For the first time, teens are watching Youtube more than cable TV. (BI)

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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