Musings from the CU Suite

Dec 02, 2016

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU

Pat yourself on the back. You did it - you made it through another week.

Pour yourself a cup of joe, and work through this week's reading pile.

Today, I had a cup of home-brewed hazelnut coffee from Duncan Donuts. Served in a Longmire-themed coffee mug.

Unnamed (22)

Don't know Longmire? Check it out on Netflix. It is good stuff.

Now, on to this week's reading pile.

  • Consumer Protection Bureau Chief Braces for a Reckoning. (NYT) He also met with the entire NAFCU Board of Directors this week. the board represented you well. (NAFCU Today)
  • 31 things you can do this month to improve your life. (Inc.)
  • A natural born lobbyist. (The Hill)
  • Hello, beer tap. I'd like to introduce you to innovation. (BI)
  • Wildlife photographer of the year. Wow! (BBC)
  • Stephen Hawking believes automation and AI will ravage middle-class jobs. Powerful read. What does it mean for jobs? And loans? (BI)
  • If the last article bummed you out, here are 10 pieces of wonderful economic news from around the world. (Bloomberg)
  • How to hide $400 million. (NYT)
  • Construction worker income could boom under President Trump. If major projects develop near you, are you ready to take advantage? (Market Insider)
  • Yes, people are working on this problem. The US is joining more than 40 other countries in a massive "takedown" of a cybercrime network. (BI)
  • I'm back! Consumer confidence back to pre-recession levels. (Housing Wire)
  • I'm back, part 2. Home prices recover ground lost during great recession. (WSJ)
  • I'm back, part 3. 7th-ranked Penn State takes on Wisconsin in Big 10 Championship. (ESPN) (Please don't judge me. I can't help myself)
  • GDP growth is revised up to 3.2%. (Calculated Risk)
  • Should have seen this coming. Meal kit delivery companies are chipping into supermarket revenue. (BI)
  • Concentration risk. 10 retailers grabbed 66% of holiday quarter sales. (USA Today)
  • Too busy to read? Don't tell that to this Marine Corps General. (BI)
  • Macy's will close 100 stores in 2017. (MarketWatch)

That'll do it for now. Have a great weekend. Special wishes for God's speed and good luck go out to Virginia Tech, Oklahoma State, and Colorado.Â