Musings from the CU Suite

Jun 09, 2017

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU

I'm packing my bags, as NAFCU's 50th Annual Conference awaits in Honolulu, Hawaii. I have a soft spot in my heart for Honolulu. It is where Mandy agreed to become my wife. 

Hey, I needed to pull out all the stops to close that deal. 

It will be wonderful to reconnect with so many friends. If you will be there, please find me to say hello!

Now, on to this week's reading pile.

  • The House passes the Choice Act. Now on to the Senate. Kudos to my colleagues on floor 4 for their hard work in helping push this along while making sure our industry's voice was heard. (NAFCU)
  • No one claps when you go to the bathroom by yourself. (Leadership Freak)
  • No way out. (Godin)
  • Apple is diving headfirst into P2P payments. (Fortune)
  • What has changed in customer service? (Hyken)
  • Tiny houses that help minimum wage workers become homeowners. (Fast Company)
  • Wells Fargo is the least-respected company in America -even less than Big Tobacco. (WasPost)
  • A professor spent 4 months working at a check-cashing store. Her insights were interesting. (BI)

And finally a Demangone family update. It happened. And it proves that God has a sense of humor. I always assumed Briggs would be the first to break a bone. (If you ever met him, you'd know why.)  Well, so much for my insight. My beautiful girl Kate took the prize. She was both brave and strong!
