Musings from the CU Suite

Nov 14, 2014

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

A week ago, I would have said that Winter had lost its way. Today, I'd say that Winter is clearly on its way. Here's hoping you have a nice hot cup of Joe to work your way through this week's reading list. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

  • “We sell quality stuff at the best possible price. If you treat consumers with respect and treat employees with respect, good things are going to happen to you.” How CostCo is crushing the competition. (FirstAdopter)
  • Gas prices to average under $3 a gallon in 2015. (Calculated Risk)
  • Sign of the apocalypse, No. 4,534. People already camping out for Black Friday deals. (
  • Seriously? A quarter of millennials expect their student debt to be forgiven. (NBC)
  • Job openings up 20% YOY. (Calculated Risk)
  • Nation-state prosperity. Oh, to be Rwanda. (Zero Hedge)
  • Brilliant! A university turns empty parking spaces into $80k a a year. (Twentytwowords)
  • Tony Robbins, the CEO Whisperer. (Fortune)
  • You lose power when you use power and gain it when you give it. (Leadership Freak)
  • Prime working age population growing again. (Calculated Risk)
  • Still paying World War 1 debt, 100 years later. (The Atlantic)