Musings from the CU Suite

Mar 24, 2017

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU

Spring is here. Although in the Washington, D.C. area, you'd be hard-pressed to find it. A late snow and chilly weather have put a damper on what usually is a celebration of the cherry blossoms.

But as bad as the weather has been, it hasn't been as bad as my basketball bracket. Don't get me started...

Now, on to this week's reading pile.

  • Here are the fastest growing and shrinking counties in the United States. (BI)
  • A U.S. Senator told bankers to leave the credit union tax exemption alone. (NAFCU Today) Sign up for NAFCU Today here.
  • Some large banks are starting to trim compliance staff. (Bloomberg)
  • This was a well-done article about IRAs. I would think a similar article would be great for your Facebook page or monthly membership newsletter. (Fidelity)
  • Wells Fargo is planning its first big ad campaign after the sales scandal. (Charlotte Observer) I'm sure they hope it works well, as credit card applications are down 55%. (CNN Money)
  • I always loved Calvin and Hobbes. I just assumed the artist behind the cartoon was always successful. But as is often the case, he succeeded due to grit. (BetterHumans)
  • Think you can pick stock winners? Good luck. (Wealth of Common Sense)
  • Why do so many people think their life is so bad? We tend to focus on the headwinds and ignore the tailwinds. (Freakonomics)
  • I was always a SWOT person. But recently, I did another deep look. Turns out I like SOAR more! (LinkedIn)
  • Has the retail store bubble burst? (WSJ)

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone. If you think others would like this blog, feel free to send them this link. Signing up is free, and fairly painless. 


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