Musings from the CU Suite

Dec 19, 2014

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

Happy Friday, everyone. Old Saint Nick is busy washing and waxing his sleigh. I'm sure you've got a few things on your to-do list as well. This time of year is special to different folks for different reasons. Just remember not to go too fast - slow down enough to enjoy the season. 

Now, on to the reads of the week...

  • Cheap gas makes surburban houses more valuable. Does it make urban houses less valuable? (Washington Post)
  • The 10 biggest disruptors of 2015. (WSJ)
  • Your e-mail sign-off may be more important than you think. (
  • Eggs over easy may be more difficult to purchase. Hadn't heard about this one. (Washington Post)
  • American debt reduction may be levelling off. (WSJ)
  • 8 things Michael Lewis wishes for Wall Street. (Bloomberg)
  • Photo of the week: Horses in the Highlands. (National Geographic)
  • 10 retail banking predictions for 2015. (Financial Brand)
  • Cheerful signs in the US Labor market. (NYT)
  • 122 things everyone should know about investing and the economy. Man, this would be fun to turn into a column for a local newspaper. (The Fool) 
  • What kind of customers do you want? (Godin) Go for a walk. (Godin)
  • Eulogy for small credit unions(
  • The office holiday party is back. (
  • This chart may blow your mind about the new landscape of advertising. (Business Insider)