A little weekend reading...
Compiled by Anthony Demangone
Here's to completing week number one in year 2015!
Self-centered editorial comment: Today is the last day to take advantage of $200 off any conference in 2015. Louisville. Savannah. San Antonio. Montreal. Key West. Washington, D.C. Denver. Chicago. All $200 off.
Now, on to the reading pile!
- Under Fire: The Real Story behind Jeff Bezos phone debacle. (Fast Company)
- NCUA's supervisory focus for 2015. (NCUA)
- 10.3% of homes with a mortgage are still under water. (Calculated Risk)
- How 10 CEOs work smarter. (Washington Post)
- Logo versus brand. (Godin)
- Google's plan to give cheap WI-FI to everyone. (Business Insider)
- Debt keeps oil firms pumping. (WSJ)
- NCUA and FOM: HIding behind the law. (CU TImes)
- Good times teach only bad lessons. (TRB)
- Taking regular vacations is a better indicator of well-being than income. (Gallup)
- True disruption is putting the last mile first. (Pretzel Logic)
- Photo of the week: Misty Lake. (National Geographic)
- Theater attendance continues to fall. (Business Insider)