Musings from the CU Suite

Feb 27, 2015

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

What is it about Friday? It is just another day. But everyone has a skip in his or her step. Personally, I think it is because weekends have a little bit of adventure about them.

Two full days of opportunity. May your adventures be grand.

Now, on to the reading pile.

  • February car sales: Forecast to be highest since 2002. (Calculated Risk)
  • No one listens to you, because you always act like chicken little. (Thought Leaders)
  • Photo of the week. Many of us know how this little fellow feels. (National Geographic)
  • "The more compliance you expect, the more helplessness you create." (Leadership Freak)
  • The dangers of not getting enough sleep. (Skipprichard)
  • Scarcity. (Reformed Broker)
  • JP Morgan Chase is cutting branches and costs. (Moneybeat)
  • Ho hum. Another billion dollar settlement by a gigantic bank. Morgan Stanley to pay $2.6 billion to settle charges over mortgages. Just give them a few minutes to look under the couch cushions. (WashPost) Perhaps they should have spent more time thinking about compliance, and less working on this video. (Investment News)
  • Please don't thank me for my service. (NYT)
  • Why Tesla's batteries for the home should terrify utilities. (The Verge)
  • Are we smart enough to control artificial intelligence? MIT is asking this question. That should be enough to get your attention. (MIT Technology Review)
  • 1 in 3 American's on edge of financial ruin. (Market Watch)
  • Pitchers and hitters. (Godin)
  • I always am frustrated in hotels with the TV. I need a channel list. But where is that list? Check out this easy solution I saw recently in a hotel...the remote goes inside the channel guide. Simple. Brilliant. Awesome.


Speaking of awesome, Greta has been a wonderful puppy so far. Lucky for her, she likes the snow!



Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!