Musings from the CU Suite

May 08, 2015

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone

I'm a "four season" guy. Each season is wonderful in its own way.

I'm sure you folks in California laugh a little when you hear people like me talk this way. 

But this week has been nearly perfect in Virginia. The long winter makes such a week a true gem. You can almost see the entire region collectively bask in the sunlight. 

I give it four more weeks until I start complaining about the humidity.

Now on to the reading pile!

  • Will automated driving kill car insurance? (FastCoExist) 
  • Florida hotel wakes up "Spring Breakers" with "Circle of Life" song. (People). Take something usually awful, and make it something special. 
  • Mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures lowest since 2007. (Calculated Risk)
  • Online consumer lender raises $275 million. (WSJ)
  • Study: Dodd-Frank costs average worker more than $300 a year. (The HIll)
  • What does "Middle Class" even mean? (The Atlantic)
  • America's credit scores are improving. (Business Insider)
  • Photos galore! Enjoy National Geographic's traveler's photo contest winners. (Nat. Geographic)
  • 10 Ways to Connect with the big picture. (Leadership Freak)
  • A credit union offers an on-site MBA program. (CU Times) Rock on! Emailed the CEO. And he said there's an added bonus on top of the employee morale boost. He'll have a bakers' dozen MBAs working for him in about two years.
  • Millennials don't trust anyone. (Washington Post)
  • (re)Radical (Godin)
  • Therapist has devised the most terrifying couples therapy: Assemble IKEA furniture...together.(Washington Post)
  • Manufacturing jobs are...returning. (MarketWatch)
  • Artificial intelligence experts are in  high demand. (WSJ)

OK, this Sunday is a big one for me. Happy anniversary, Mandy! Happy birthday, Dad! Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

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