Musings from the CU Suite

Apr 07, 2017

A little weekend reading...

Compiled by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU

Happy Friday, my friend.

Below are the articles that caught my eye this week. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. As always, thanks for what you do. If NAFCU can ever help in any way, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Now, on to the reading pile.

  • Some sad/terrifying stories of elder financial abuse. This might be a good story to share with people on the front lines, in call centers and for those who process wires. (Bloomberg)
  • Could solving this one problem solve nearly every other problem? (Freakonomics) (And it introduces a cool concept called "temptation bundling." For example, I shouldn't watch too much TV. But why not watch TV while on the treadmill?)
  • Great article about how you are likely marketing products the wrong way. Fascinating! A great share for your marketing team. (Inc.)
  • Netflix has found that the five-star rating leads to "grade inflation." They are moving to a "thumbs up/down" model. (WSJ)
  • Pepsi released an ad recently, only to have to yank it back after a public outcry. This shows how much reputation risk and the internet are new intertwined. (NYT)
  • The number of robots sold in the US will triple in 9 years. (Recode)
  • Annual vehicle sales on pace to decline for the first time since 2009. (Calculated Risk)
  • Just how did Trade Joe's wine become cheaper than bottled water? (Thrillist)
  • Amazon will stream NFL games this year. (Recode)
  • Stop putting the onus on the member! (Hyken)
  • Wells Fargo's problems are spreading outside its consumer operations. (WSJ)
  • Tesla's market capitalization has surpassed Ford's. (BI)
  • ESPN has seen the future of TV, and they are not really into it. I'm fascinated by how fast things are changing for the once-invincible ESPN. (Bloomberg)

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

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