It Will Be Awesome; This Week's Reading Pile
Written by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU
NAFCU had its last all-staff meeting this week. And it was awesome! Bittersweet? Sure. But awesome. I mean, if you had a hug from Larry Palmer, you’d know what I mean.
Corporations are funny things. What makes up a company? How does it get a culture? A personality?
PEOPLE! Having good people is how. And the photo below shows the folks I work with.
Change is upon us, and change can be scary. Humans crave certainty. I know I do.
But the really special people I’ve met have taught me a lot. Nothing is for certain, except for your own effort. Your own hard work. Your own attitude. There’s very little else that you control. Everything else is a team effort, with no guarantees.
So all of us in that photo pledge to pivot and dig into America’s Credit Unions. We have served credit unions. And we will serve credit unions. We look forward to teaming up with our new friends from CUNA. It will be a good thing. Ah, scratch that. It will be awesome.
- Goods deflation is back. (WSJ)
- Working after hours may make you less productive. (Forbes)
- True/useful. (Godin)
- Win the customer, not the argument. (Shep Hyken) Amen, amen, and amen!
- A weakening labor market, in 5 charts. (WSJ) Credit unions run on people and technology.
- The Charlie Munger Manifesto. (Safal Niveshak)
- Credit card debt just hit $1 Trillion. But what if you compared total credit card debt to total deposits? Wow. Didn’t expect that… (LinkedIn)

About the Author
Anthony Demangone, Executive Vice President and COO, NAFCU
Anthony Demangone, NCCO is Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at NAFCU, where he oversees day-to-day operations and manages the association's education, marketing, membership, human resources, building facilities, finance and information technology functions. He also authors NAFCU's executive blog, Musings from the CU Suite and co-authored "Managing and Leading Well," a book for credit union leaders, with NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger.