Musings from the CU Suite

Dec 08, 2015

I need you to fill out some forms...

Written by Anthony Demangone

Sunday evening is never a good time to take a child to urgent care.

Many of them have shut down. Luckily, Briggs and I found one that was open.

We'd been there a few times. See, Briggs is a boy. And, well, that should be enough to explain why we've been there a few times.

Even though we have a frequent flyer number with this one particular urgent care facility, you wouldn't know it. Guess what we had to do when we arrived?

We filled out form after form after form.

I understand the need for disclosures. Believe you me. But some of the forms were asking for things that they should have in their system by now.

I wasn't angry. But at some level, I was annoyed. Forms, with a child who is hurt or sick, are not fun.

What also is a wee bit annoying, is this: with all the technology and innovations going on, I haven't seen any improvement in this area. It would be good to know if they are at least working on this issue.

All of this gets me to this...what does your credit union do to annoy your members? What does your division do to annoy other divisions within your credit union? 

Most of this is unintentional. And I wager to believe that much of it is also fixable. 

So who looks for those annoying things at your credit union? And who is in charge of fixing them?

Have a great week, everyone!

PS: No worries about Briggs. Here's how I left him this morning. 

A boy and his dog...