Musings from the CU Suite

Apr 25, 2017

I love airports...

Written by Anthony Demangone

I love airports. I really do.

I know there's the security line. And being away from family. But those are sunk costs. If you are traveling for work, that comes with the territory.

No need complaining about that.

There's a buzz of energy at airports. People that hustle. Like the young woman that gave me a killer shoe shine today.

Like new!
You should have seen these before...

Restaurants are hustling - trying to get your business. 

And the people? I love seeing families excited for a trip. Or people greeting family members who are flying in for a visit. 

Finally, there's the destination. I'm heading to Miami for NAFCU's CEOs and Senior Executives Conference. I've never been to Miami for a visit. There's nothing like a new town. 

Yep, I love airports. 

Reagan National...not too shabby.