Musings from the CU Suite

Oct 23, 2014

Hiring and Culture: Conflict versus Drama

Written by Anthony Demangone

When an opening occurs within our organizations, all of us look for the right person. 

This morning, I read an article from CEO Update (unfortunately, I cannot for the life of me find a link to the article) that discussed the role of culture as it relates to hiring. 

The article argues that culture is often to blame when a new hire does not work out. I can't argue with that. But a quote from the article really caught my attention.

The workplace is a complicated space. There are numerous issues, problems and personalities. Shannon DiBari, SVP and CAO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, was quoted about what she seeks in a new hire.

"I want to hire an adult," she said. "I want someone who knows how to manage conflict. We have a lot of opinions...If you can't figure out how to manage yourself through that, you're not going to be successful...I don't mind conflict, but I hate drama."

I don't mind conflict, but I hate drama. 

There's going to be conflict in the workplace. People will disagree. But drama is a energy-draining, time-wasting workplace vampire.

How do you minimize drama? How do you hire to minimize the chance that drama kings and queens find their way into your culture?

Any thoughts? 


The dates are set for NAFCU's new risk seminar in 2015. I hope to see you there!