Musings from the CU Suite

Jul 23, 2015

Godin: I'll Take Care of It

Written by Anthony Demangone

Seth Godin is an author and a blogger. I'm sure he does other things. But it is with his books and his blog posts that he personally touches me. 

Yesterday's was a gem - and one that I should post on my wall here at work.

Here it is in its entirety...

There are endless opportunities for people and organizations that can reliably and fairly take a problem off our hands.

"I'll take care of it," and I'll do it well, at least as well as you can, for a price that won't make you feel stupid. "I'll take care of it," and I won't come back to you when things go sideways, I won't ask for a bigger budget or more time, either. I won't have excuses ready to go, I won't stumble over the details, I won't point fingers. I'll merely take care of it.

It's not easy, but it's worth a lot.

It is a good bar to meet.

I think all of us can ask the following two questions:

  1. Am I a "I'll take care of it" employee?
  2. Do I work for a "I'll take care of it" company?