Musings from the CU Suite

Jun 16, 2015

Five rules of communication

Written by Anthony Demangone

Here are five rules of communication that I've learned through the years.

  1. You may think you were clear. But you weren't. 
  2. You may think that everyone is listening. But they aren't. 
  3. You may think that you're funny. Chances are, many won't agree.
  4. You may think that sarcasm will work in a crowd. It usually doesn't. 
  5. You may use an inside joke. Half the crowd doesn't know what you're talking about.

Now, don't blame "them." Everyone you address in a group has their own set of responsibilities.  Worries. They  may have a big meeting after your talk. Or they may have had a tough night at home. Their pocket may be buzzing with in-bound emails. Cutting through that is tough work. And I'll admit - I've been on both sides.  I've been in meetings only to "come to,' after thinking to myself for a few minutes. Now, what was he saying, again?

I think all you can do is be as concise as possible. As clear as possible. As consistent as possible. And give off authentic enthusiasm on behalf of the audience.