Musings from the CU Suite

Oct 06, 2015

Five Leadership Lessons from a Penn State Game

Written by Anthony Demangone

It was cold. Windy. It was raining.

But we pushed forward. We put up canopies. We fired up the grill. We shook our fist at the weather in defiance and ate brats and pretzels.

Yes, we tailgated last weekend at Penn State. 

Here are five leadership lessons I learned that day.

  1. My daughter Kate can do a pretty mean "Nittany Lion Roar."
  2. Good friends and family more than make up for bad weather.
  3. It is hard to defend the triple option.
  4. There's nothing like a great marching band playing military songs.
  5. At times, there's nothing better in the whole wide world than a hot shower.

That's right - I learned nothing about leadership on Game Day. I enjoyed my family. I enjoyed friends. I enjoyed the game. And boy did I enjoy that hot shower.

I think it pays to get away from it all, even if that means standing with 80,000 rain-soaked people.

Not everything can be about leadership and lessons. How awful would that be?


