Musings from the CU Suite

May 26, 2015

Falling tiles, and other opportunities

Uh-oh, someone said. We have a problem. 

A tile had fallen from the ceiling in an old auditorium inside Visions FCU. 

Visions' headquarters occupy a former school. The school had an auditorium, which the credit union wasn't using. 

When the tile fell, they knew they had a problem. The space needed some work.

But then it hit them. 

Why not transform the auditorium into a resource for the community?

Fast forward to today, and here's what they have.

Visions Space Leadership

Unnamed (1)

The board and staff at Visions are very excited, as they should be. They plan on making the space available to their local community, as well as doing training on financial literacy and more. 

They took dead space and turned it into an active asset for the community.

Another NAFCU member is doing that. At AmeriChoice FCU, they devote space in their main lobby to a local business. It might be a car from a local dealer, bikes from a local bike shop, or a landscaping display from a local landscaper. 

The thought is to give the local business some exposure, as well as let the membership know that AmeriChoice can help finance purchases from that business. 


In both cases, the credit unions have created value from a space often overlooked by others. 

It gets one many opportunities like this are out there?