Musings from the CU Suite

Jul 07, 2015

Demands versus Choices

Written by Anthony Demangone

We live in a world full of nearly unlimited choices. 

And demands.

The former is wonderful. The latter can be frustrating. 

ESPN told me that I had to watch the Nationals game last night. It was "essential." 

A Disney commercial said I had to take Kate and Briggs to see The Mouse. 

Countless emails said I should do this or that. 

At times, you feel there are not enough hours in the day to keep up with the demands. 

But how many of those demands are true? Are necessary? Are self-driven?

Sit back and stop. Think. What do you need? What do you really need? 

Once you figure that out, choose the best from what's out there.

That simple switch, from submitting to demands to making choices, can make a huge difference.

And it puts you back in control. 


I hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July! Have a great week, everyone.