Musings from the CU Suite

Nov 19, 2015

Classical Music and Market Share

Written by Anthony Demangone

I love TED Talks.  If I had to pick a favorite, it would be this one: Benjamin Zander and the Transformative Power of Classical Music.


Let me set the scene.

Mr. Zander acknowledges that only 3% of America really likes classical music. While many are depressed within the classical music community with that number, do not include him among the Debbie Downers. With a smile, he says the following... 

"Everybody loves classical music, it's just that many people haven't found out about it yet."

You need to watch the video. He proceeds to put on a show. And before he's done, an audience of executives are spellbound, listening to him play a classical piece. 

His confidence and pure joy when talking about classical music is infectious.  Is classical music for three percent or ten percent of the population?

No. For him, it is for everyone.

As a leader, he argues you just have that confidence that what you are doing and what you are about is the right path. 

Much of what he talks about is true about credit unions. 

Are credit unions for 10 percent of America? 15 percent?

We should walk and talk and lead as if credit unions are right for everyone.

After all, that's what we believe. Right?