Musings from the CU Suite

Jun 09, 2015

Choose your own adventure...

Written by Anthony Demangone

I remember those wonderful books as a kid. Choose your own adventure. Do you take the crystal skull from the temple, or do you open the door? If you open the door, turn to page 76...


As adults, I think we try to recreate that feeling.

Some play fantasy baseball. They can tinker and trade and build themselves a championship. Others, play Minecraft. They can compete and build themselves an alternate world.

There are many other ways to do this.

But sometimes, we forget about the most important way...

A few years back, a credit union CEO asked me how I was doing. We were having lunch, and the conversation was wonderful. I told him how both my wife and I were from Pennsylvania. And even though we loved DC, sometimes we missed the slower pace of life back in the Keystone State.

The CEO called my bluff. He said if I wasn't happy, there are jobs up there, and roads that will take me door to door. We only get one chance at life, he said. I shouldn't waste it complaining. Figure out what I miss about Pennsylvania, he suggested, and recreate it down here. Or move. Just don't complain about it.


He was right.

This is our adventure. Wherever we are right now, it is ours. Our choices led us to where we are. We choose how to react to where we are as well. I'm guessing where you are isn't perfect. No one is in the "perfect" spot. 

But each of us owns our spot. We can choose to improve it. Change it for the better. Or find a new spot. 

Complaining about our spot? 

It won't change a thing. And as my friend said, we only get one trip through this life. It it too precious a journey to waste it on complaining. 

Build. Disrupt. Improve. Inspire.  That's the adventure I want. I bet you do, too.