Musings from the CU Suite

Jun 24, 2015

A Change? Sure. But things will stay the same...

Written by Anthony Demangone

I'm excited.

By now, you've heard about the change. NAFCU's board unanimously voted to allow state-chartered credit unions to join NAFCU. 

It is a change. There's no hiding that.

But it is business as usual here at NAFCU.  

I've written a lot about change in this blog through the years.  NAFCU is in no way immune to change. At NAFCU, we're in the business of helping credit unions deal with Washington. And as the world changes, we need to be ready to change as well.

You may not know this, but we didn't always have a compliance assistance program. When the world changed, we changed with it. Through the years, the division has grown into what it is today. They do awesome work.

What will the world look like in 10 years? We don't know that either. But we'll be ready to change as necessary. In order to serve people well, you have to be willing to change as their needs do.

Change must be business as usual. 

But no matter how things change, we'll be as responsive as ever. We'll hustle as hard as ever. We'll have as much fun as ever. And we'll fight for credit unions as hard as ever.

Again, I'm excited. 

The best part of my job is helping my friends across the country - the white hats of financial services. So, to the state-chartered credit unions out there - welcome! We're ready to serve you with the best advocacy, education and compliance assistance out there.

I look forward to learning about your credit unions. Hearing about your hobbies. Your kids. And your hopes and dreams for your credit union.

It is a great time to be a credit union. Our industry stands for something positive. That people can band together to improve their lives and the fortunes of their community. NAFCU is pumped to be part of it.

So to everyone, have a fantastic Wednesday. And if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask.

W 703.842.2278
C  571.332.2512

Love, love, love these guys!