Musings from the CU Suite

Aug 30, 2016

Cereal and Banking

Written by Anthony Demangone

Growing up, I ate my fair share of cereal. Captain Crunch was my go-to-choice, if I could convince my mother to make the purchase.

According to the Washington Post, though, cereal sales are down. Sales are down roughly 30 percent in the past fifteen years.

And more and more millennials are turning their nose to the breakfast staple. Why?

According to research: 40 percent of millennials believe cereal is inconvenient because you have to clean up after eating it. 

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Now, I'm not writing this to opine on millennials and whether their thoughts on cereal are proper. You can agree or disagree with their position, but the data is the data. A huge percentage of millennials do not want to clean up after breakfast if they have a choice.

So this got me thinking...

  • I'm sure the same people don't want to fill out forms unnecessarily.
  • I'm sure the same people don't want to wait in lines unnecessarily.
  • I'm sure the same people don't want to call into a credit union unnecessarily.

If you think cleaning up after eating a bowl of cereal is inconvenient - you'll think many other things are inconvenient as well. And you'll look for more convenient options until you find them.

That is a good reminder for all of us. 

But as for me, the Captain will never be inconvenient.