Musings from the CU Suite

Apr 11, 2017

Cell Phones, United Airlines, and your Annual Meeting

Written by Anthony Demangone

By now you've seen the video. 

United Airlines had a customer dragged off its plane. And all the while, other customers recorded the incident on their smartphone. 

Today, the airline is a punchline.



C9IZNZIV0AM8uWIBut let's pause a moment and think.

You have annual meetings. You have lobbies. Both of those involve people. People who are your members. And people with smartphones.

In both places, problems might arise. You might have a belligerent member. Or someone under the influence of alcohol or drugs.  

You might need to ask someone to leave.

What if they don't want to go?

In light of what happened at United, what's your plan?


Just some housekeeping items...