Musings from the CU Suite

Jun 02, 2016

A bit of wonder during rush hour

Written by Anthony Demangone

On the way to school today, traffic was as thick as it gets. 

We were going to be late. 

As you could imagine, by blood pressure started to rise. 

As a light turned red, and my lane crawled to a stop, Kate uttered a word.


It turns out that a woodpecker was looking for breakfast, just to our right. If we had stopped 10 feet further along, we would have missed him.

So, for the next 20 seconds, Kate, Briggs and I rolled down the windows and watched the woodpecker go to work on his tree du jour. 

If I dare say so, it was majestic. Not a bad way to break up one's commute, I thought.

We chatted about it the entire way to school.

And it got me thinking....

  • How many other wonderful things do we miss with our heads down as we rush from one thing to the next?
  • I wonder if we were overdue for a trip to Shenandoah National Park.

Have a great Thursday, everyone. And keep your heads up today. Who knows what you might be missing.