Musings from the CU Suite

Sep 21, 2017

Be excited...

Written by Anthony Demangone, Powered by NAFCU

At NAFCU, we put on 12 in-person conferences a year. 

Our fantastic education team recruits speakers and design topics. And they outline what speakers must do to be successful.

Sure, they have to be knowledgeable. And they have to be good communicators.

We think, however, that that the true secret sauce is having a speaker who is excited to be there.

They have to have a fire in their belly. A love for the topic and radiates from their voice and their on-stage energy.

And one person told me this years ago, and it still rings true.

If you aren't excited to give your talk, why in the world should the audience be excited to hear it? 


Here's Greta. She's always excited to see me. Perhaps that's why so many of us love dogs.


I think it goes beyond public speaking though. 

In life, or at work, we are all drawn to people that are excited to tackle the problems that surround us. That positive energy infects others in a positive way.

So today, I'm going to be excited. I'm going to focus on showing the love I have for my job and what we do as an industry.

I have fantastic colleagues and wonderful members.

I'm guessing you do, too.

So let's get fired up today. And let it show.Â