Musings from the CU Suite

Jan 24, 2017

Antelope or Field Mice

Written by Anthony Demangone

Poor Kate was home yesterday with a stomach bug. As she napped, it gave me some time to catch up on reading. 

I read one article that hit me between the eyes, and I wanted to share it with you. 

The author of the 4-hour workweek, Drew Kelly, is the subject of that article. You can read it here. (SFGate)

Kelly has devoted his life to become more efficient. Over the years, there's one question he likes to ask himself again and again when he starts a new task.

"Am I hunting antelope or field mice?"

A simple, yet powerful question.

All of us have many strategic goals. We have things to do, and things to accomplish. 

But we have limited time. Limited resources.

Our to-do list is full of field mice and antelopes. 

Which should you attack?