Musings from the CU Suite

Apr 11, 2013

Advice...Let's Hear It

Written by Anthony Demangone

We've all received good advice through the years.  I'd bet there are one or two gems that you've heard that stand out.

The best advice I received?

  1. You are always interviewing for your next job, whether you know it or not.  Your emails. Your attitude. Your work ethic.  So carry yourself accordingly. 
  2. Do you know how to get your next job?  Do your current job to the best of your ability. 

I bring this up after reading this fun and useful post by Allison Green. Here's a snippet:

4. Never be good at anything you don’t want to do

“Never be good at anything you don’t want to do. Tongue somewhat in cheek — of course, as a junior person you have to get good at the grunt work before you’ll be given more interesting tasks. But as a general rule — the better you get at something, the more you’ll be asked to do it. The way to make sure your niche is what you want it to be is to make sure you’re best at those things!”

Read the post - there are a number of other interesting tips. 

But loyal readers, I now turn the tables.  What is the best advice you received?  Leave a comment on the blog, email me, or leave a comment on the Musings Facebook page.Â